This site consists of five pages of reflections which are copyright, but available for download:
Politics - presents the book Green Rising: An alternative future. It contains The Green Manifesto.
Systems Theory - presents The General Theory of Systems and a set of videos on systems themes available on Youtube.
Plays - downloading them does not constitute a license to produce the play, for that they require a small royalty. Permissions can be obtained by writing to the gmail account johannson.robert.
Theology - presents a Holistic Christian Theology, and a couple of my recent sermons on the collapse of the United Church of Canada and reasons for hope.
Blog - is a space for my occasional comments and letters to the editor.
Books - indicates some of my books that are available for sale from Berserkr Press.
Coming soon . . .
. . . some links to radio shows that I've been on.

© 2020 by Robert Johannson. Proudly created with